The Charltons Parish Council

Local Planning Applications

Cary Fitzpaine       Charlton Adam       Charlton Mackrell       Lytes Cary       Wellham       West Charlton       Other      

Cary Fitzpaine

Application NoAddress/DetailsPC Meeting
when application considered
Parish Council's ResponseSomerset Council Decision
23/01368/FULErect temporary accommodation for equestrian worker on land at Rag Lane, Cary Fitzpaine, BA22 8JB26th July 2023 (on site)Recommend ApprovalAwaiting Decision
23/01383/FULChange of use and erection of a barn for stabling of broodmares and foals on land at Rag Lane, Cary Fitzpaine, BA22 8JB26th July 2023 (on site)Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/01480/HOU & 23/01481/LBCInsertion of 2 new windows in the ground floor of the west elevation at West Side Barn, Cary Fitzpaine Road, BA22 8JB18th July & 19th September (revised plans)Recommend ApprovalApproved
22/03342/FULChange of use of agricultural land to commercial for the erection of two detached industrial units, formation of a new access with parking and turning space and creation of an attenuation pond on land Os 4300, Cary Fitzpaine, BA22 8JB 17th January 2023Recommend RefusalApproved
22/00647/HOUInternal and external alterations including creating a room within the entrance hall. Conservation rooflights set in south facing slope, new windows in south elevation, new windows at ground and first floor level on western elevation of eastern wing at Middle Barn, Cary Fitzpaine Road, Charlton Mackrell 19 April 2022Recommend ApprovalApproved
22/00920/LBCInternal and external alterations including creating a room within the entrance hall. Conservation rooflights set in south facing slope, new windows in south elevation, new windows at ground and first floor level on western elevation of eastern wing at Middle Barn, Cary Fitzpaine Road, Charlton Mackrell 19 April 2022Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/01548/HOU Proposed extensions and alterations at The Willows, Cary Fitzpaine. 22nd June 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved

Charlton Adam

Application NoAddress/DetailsPC Meeting
when application considered
Parish Council's ResponseSomerset Council Decision
25/00147/S73S73 Application to vary Conditions 02 (approved plans), 03 (materials) and 05 (external alterations) to reflect minor changes required to the design and materials and to discharge Conditions 04 (cladding) and 06 (surface water) where details are being provided relating to planning approval 24/00642/HOU; Extension and alterations to property with detached garage building at Pleasant Spot Cottage, Broadacres, Charlton Adam, TA11 7BA18th February 2025Awaiting DecisionAwaiting Decision
24/02957/HOUDemolition of existing garage and erection of replacement garage at Matford Farm, Broadway, Charlton Adam, TA11 7BD21st January 2025Recommend ApprovalAwaiting Decision
24/02519/FULDemolish existing dwelling and erection of 2No. new dwellinghouses at 26 Neville Close, Charlton Adam, TA11 7AZ21st January 2025Recommend RefusalAwaiting Decision
24/02204/HOU & 24/02205/LBCDemolition of modern garden room, erection of traditional Georgian style orangery with various external alterations and internal enhancements to a Grade II Listed Building, alterations and additions to existing detached garage and alterations to vehicle entrance from access track at Court Hay, George Street, Charlton Adam, TA11 7AS.15th October 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
24/00642/HOUExtension and alterations to property with detached garage building at Pleasant Spot Cottage, Broadacres, Charlton Adam, TA11 7BA.16th April 2024Recommend RefusalApproved
24/00536/S73S73 Application to vary Condition 05 (Materials) to new materials schedule dated 2024 in relation to planning approval 13/04998/FUL for Erection of a permanent dwelling in association with existing equine use and associated realignment of existing earth bank. (GR 354263/129013) at Pleasant Spot Barns, Broadacres, Charlton Adam, TA11 7BA.16th April 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/02868/FULOver cladding of the existing community hall structure, small extension to the North and East elevations and internal rearrangements of the building spaces to better provide for the community's needs at The Charltons Memorial Community Hall, Top Road, Charlton Adam, TA11 7BE 16th January 2024 - Recommend Refusal 18th June 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/02768/OUT REVISEDOutline Application for all matters reserved except access for the erection of 3 (REVISED) No. dwellings on land Os 2560 Part George Street, Charlton Adam, TA11 7AS16th May 2024Recommend RefusalAwaiting Decision
23/02580/HOUWorks to increase the height of the annex to accommodate first-floor living accommodation, incorporating works granted through application 22/02714/HOU , installation of timber cladding to the first floor at Little Orchard, George Street, Charlton Adam, TA11 7AS21st November 2023Recommend ApprovalWithdrawn
23/02268/HOUErection of replacement garage at Matford Farm, Broadway, Charlton Adam, TA11 7BD 17th October 2023Recommend ApprovalRefused
23/01354/HOU & 23/02329/LBCAlterations and extension to curtilage outbuilding at Cedar Lodge, High Street, Charlton Adam, TA11 7AR17th October 2023Recommend ApprovalRefused
23/01755/HOUProposed two & single storey extension to rear of 3 Neville Close, Charlton Adam, TA11 7AZ19th September 2023 21st November 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
22/00350/COL Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of land as residential garden; existing use of a residential outbuilding; and existing stationing of a static caravan to provide ancillary accommodation at Fields End Farm, Chessels Lane, Charlton Adam, TA11 7BJ21 February 2023Recommend ApprovalRefused
21/03124/FUL Erection of 35 dwellings and associated parking, new pumping station, provision of drainage pond, open space and landscaping on land to the south of the Fox & Hounds public house all accessed via an altered and upgraded access, together with refurbishment and extension to the public house and reconfiguration of the public house car park on land rear of Fox and Hounds Pub, Broadway Road Charlton Adam.16th November 2021 15th February 2022 (Amended Plans)Recommend RefusalApproved
21/00331/HOU Two storey side extension at Ferlochan, Chessels Lane, Charlton Adam.16th February 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/00184/FUL Proposed lean-to extension on the existing building for hay storage on land Os 2560, part George Street, Charlton Adam.16th February 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/02299/HOU Loft conversion with installation of side facing first floor window at 4 Abbey Barns, Top Road, Charlton Adam.21st September 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved

Charlton Mackrell

Application NoAddress/DetailsPC Meeting
when application considered
Parish Council's ResponseSomerset Council Decision
24/02170/HOURear extension to existing residential bungalow to create a two bedroom dwelling and change of fenestration to the front of the property to create a garage (Re-submission of 24/01234/HOU) at Cooks Cary Farm Cary Hill Charlton Mackrell Somerton Somerset TA11 7HU19th November 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
24/00867/HOUSingle Storey Extension to the Principle Elevation at Still Waters, Station Road, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 6AG16th April 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
24/00272/LBCProposed roof works to an existing outbuilding at Charlton House, Ilchester Road, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 6AD19th March 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
24/00307/FULErection of a new dwelling on land at Cooks Cary Farm, Ilchester Road, Charlton Mackrell19th March 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/02565/LBCProposed re-roofing of outbuilding at Charlton House, Ilchester Road, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 6AD21st November 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/01511/FULCreation of a shallow ditch/scrape wetland habitat on the low-lying areas of a field adjacent to the River Cary for the benefit of wildlife, and use of excavated material to create infill on west boundary of the site. Regularisation of Phase 1 Pond already installed. (Part-Retrospective) at The Old Waterworks, Ilchester Road, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 7BH17th October 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/01887/LBCListed Building Consent application for re-roofing of lambing shed (implemented) at Manor Farm, Mill Lane, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 7BQ19th September 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/01541/HOUDemolition of existing rear UPVC porch and erection of replacement single storey rear extension with traditional roof. Conversion of existing garage into internal workspace and replacement of garage doors with infill wall, french windows and small windows on the south elevation of the dwelling. Removal of boundary wall to accomodate a parking area. Installation of new rooflights at Seafin, George Street, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 7AS18th July 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/01273/HOUThe erection of single storey rear extension to dwelling and conversion of garage to additional living accommodation at Fleet Cottage, Somerton Lane, Charlton Mackrell,TA11 6AE20th June 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
22/02714/HOUProposed loft conversion, erection of a front and side extension and internal alterations to the existing annex at Little Orchard, George Street, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 7AS 15th NovemberAwaiting DecisionApproved
22/02980/FUL & 22/02981/LBCFitting of solar panels on barn roof at Manor Farm, Mill Lane, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 7BQ21 February 2023Recommend ApprovalWithdrawn
22/03124/FULDemolition of kennels and change of use of land to extend domestic garden and erection of outbuilding at The Old Waterworks, Ilchester Road, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 7BH 17th January 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
22/00398/LBC 11 replacement windows to The Woods, Kingweston Road, Charlton Mackrell, TA11 6AH15th March 2022Recommend ApprovalRefused
22/00114/FULChange of use of land from equestrian to residential and the erection of a detached ancillary outbuilding at Cedar Lodge High Street Charlton Mackrell 15th February 2022Recommend RefusalRefused
21/03605/FULAlteration and improvement of the existing poultry house and the erection of 2 No. additional poultry houses on rearing farm land Os 7829 part Common Lane, Keinton Mandeville 18th January 2022Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/03338/HOUThe proposal is to erect a garage in advance of the front of the existing dwelling but behind the build line, finished in cement render to be in-keeping with neighbouring properties at Two Bridges Station Road Charlton Mackrell 7th December 2021 (on site)Recommend ApprovalApproved
19/02745/OUT Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 9 No. dwellings with associated infrastructure, footways, drainage basin & landscaping on land OS 6323 (part) Kingweston Road Charlton Mackrell.16th March 2021Recommend RefusalAwaiting Decision
20/01543/FUL Proposed digestate lagoon and associated access and turning area on Land Os 4300, Fosse Way, Charlton Mackrell. 16th June 2020Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/00709/COU Change of use of one stable unit from Equestrian to Sui Generis (Canine Physiotherapy Treatment Room) - Retrospective Application at Welham Barn, Welham Farm Lane, Charlton Mackrell. 6th May 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/00798/HOU Proposed Two Storey Rear Extension & Alterations at 6 Peddles Lane, Charlton Mackrell.28th April 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/00785/FULChange of use of land to residential and siting of a mobile home/home office at Footsteps, High Street, Charlton Mackrell.6th May 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/01378/HOU Proposed single storey extension with roof terrace to replace existing conservatory. (Revised application of 20/02212/HOU) at The Garden House Sandpit Lane Charlton Mackrell. 22nd June 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/02041/HOU & 21/02042/LBCThe replacement of 4 No. doors and 19 No. windows at Cedar Lodge, High Street, Charlton Mackrell. 20th July 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/01071/FUL The change of use of land to extension of domestic garden and the erection of a building for land management machinery and an exercise pool at The Old Waterworks, Ilchester Road, Charlton Mackrell.22nd June 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/02956/LBC & 21/03419Restoration/rebuilding of boundary wall to original condition at St.Mary The Virgin Church, Bonfire Lane, Charlton Mackrell16th November 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved

Lytes Cary

Application NoAddress/DetailsPC Meeting
when application considered
Parish Council's ResponseSomerset Council Decision
24/02135/FULErection of a footbridge on land At Lytes Cary Manor Ilchester Road Charlton Mackrell Somerton Somerset19th November 2024Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/02783/ADV The display of a non-illuminated free standing welcome & orientation sign for estate walks at Lytes Cary Manor, Lytes Cary, Kingsdon19th October 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved
PA 21/02632/FULCreation of five wildlife ponds to improve biodiversity on the landholding and surrounding landscape at Lytes Cary Manor, Lytes Cary, Kingsdon21st September 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved


West Charlton

Application NoAddress/DetailsPC Meeting
when application considered
Parish Council's ResponseSomerset Council Decision
24/02978/HOU & 24/02979/LBCModification of existing workshop building to convert into bat roost at The Court, West Charlton, TA11 7AL18th February 2025Awaiting DecisionWithdrawn
24/02978/HOU & 24/02979/LBCModification of existing workshop building to convert into bat roost at The Court, West Charlton, TA11 7AL18th February 2025Awaiting DecisionAwaiting Decision
24/02231/HOU (Amended)Erection of new car port and storage area at The Chantry, West Charlton, TA11 7AL19th November 2024 21st January 2025Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/01839/S19S19 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 23/00930/LBC for internal reordering, alterations to fenestration and dormers, new canopy. To allow for revisions to drawings (modern rooflight replaced with conservation unit, double doors to SE elevation replaced with like) at Ford Cottage, West Charlton, TA11 7AL19th September 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/01760/FUL & 23/01761/LBCInternal and external modifications to existing cottages and outbuildings, for use ancillary to The Court, along with associate landscaping and parking. Erection of a workshop at The Court, Cottages And outbuildings West Charlton, TA11 7AL19th September 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/00930/LBCInternal reordering, alterations to fenestration and dormers, new canopy at Ford Cottage, West Charlton, TA11 7AL16 May 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
23/00966/FULProposed change of use of domestic garage, workshop and store to Class E (c) and (g) and rebuilding of associated outbuilding for ancillary storage purposes at Rookery Farm, West Charlton Charlton, TA11 7AL16 May 2023Recommend ApprovalApproved
21/01141/HOU Replacement windows and doors to a single storey dwelling in a conservation area at Fox Hollow Barn, West Charlton, Charlton Mackrell.22nd June 2021Recommend ApprovalApproved


Application NoAddress/DetailsPC Meeting
when application considered
Parish Council's ResponseSomerset Council Decision
24/01234/HOUErection of a rear extension to bungalow and change of fenestration to the front to allow formation of a garage at Cooks Cary Farm, Kingsdon, TA11 7HU18th June 2024Recommend RefusalWithdrawn
21/03605/FULAlteration and improvement of the existing poultry house and the erection of 2 No. additional poultry houses on rearing farm land Os 7829 part Common Lane, Keinton Mandeville 18 January 2022Recommend ApprovalApproved